Reece W.
        This new cartoon for old people is all about Cane Jane, while she trys to win his dentures back from the ungrateful grandchildren. Cane jane is a 70 year old woman, with 5 ungrateful grandchildren.
She loves to play Monopoly with with her husban, Billy, and also play solitaire on the computer. will she get the den 
    Dr.Wilson was expiramenting with milk and the red stuff inside sulfur at 6:02. At 6:40 he thought he had made a major discovery, until the now pink milk started to bubble. The docter ran into his secret elavator and out of his secret lab. The pink milk exploded the walls of the of the lab. it went into his regular house and squirted everywhere. We later interveiwed Dr.Wilson and he was trying to creat a helthier milk. Neighbors later called police about a pink gooey substance oozing out of doors and windows